Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just Hutch and Mommy

On very rare occasions I am able to get a glimpse of what it would be like if I were able to have one kid.  Clint and I never experienced this.  We went from the two of us to a family of four, and then quickly after that to a family of five. Today was and extremely special day.  Hutch woke up in a bad mood.  Clint and I were afraid he might be getting sick and so we decided not to take him to church.  Hutch and I stayed home.  I think he was faking it!  We have sat and watch The Polar Express, played, and I have cleaned.  There has been no picking or fighting.  Do you know how easy it is to have just one two and a half year old around?  It is so easy and laid back.  Though I would not trade my three little boys for anything, I just thought I would let you all know that you should enjoy the one on one time you get with just one kid.  Hutch and I are having a blast!

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