Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let's get started.

For over a year now my mom has told me I need to start a blog.  I think it is because she receives more than a dozen phone calls a day from me.  These phone calls consist of countless stories of our three boys.  The stories are funny things the boys have done and milestones they have achieved.  Some phone calls are made for advise or even just for a listening ear on a hard day.  Now, in a addition to those phone calls, we are starting a blog.  So sit down and relax, our family will take you on some crazy rides!

You probably will need some background of our family to be able to fully understand some of the stories coming your way. 

Clint is my husband.  He is one of the best husbands and dads in the world.  He has a great job as a Children's Minister which allows him to be around us a lot and interact with our boys not only at home but at his job as well.

I am Jaclyn, the mom.  I am a girlie girl who has been extremely blessed with a wonderful husband and three sweet little boys.  I am a stay at home mom.
Carter is our first born.  Well, first born only by a minute.  He is our Twin A.  Don't let his growling and grunting fool you, he is a sweet boy who can melt your heart with just one smile.  He loves to play outside but doesn't particularly like to get dirty.  He is a thinker.  He loves puzzles, legos, pushing cars around, popcorn, crackers, ketchup and french fries.

Hutch is our second son, Twin B.  He is our ornery one.  He loves to pick on Carter.  He is a self proclaimed monkey.  He will climb, jump, and run all over the place.  His crystal blue eyes are going to make him a heart throb one day.  He loves dinosaurs, monkeys, picking on his brother, movies, ketchup and cheese.

Cooper is our newest addition.  He is only a couple months, but we see glimpses of who he will be.  He is an easy going baby.  He is really sweet and we know he is going to be tough.  He has to be tough with two older brothers.  Right now he loves his baths, bottle, pacifier and to be loved on.
This is our family and we are excited to tell you our stories!

Carter and Hutch are 2!


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